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Thread: DH wet dreams

  1. #1
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    DH wet dreams

    Just wondering if DH has a wet dream, does this count as "release"?

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer

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    Good question, I've been wondering this as well. I read that the male body "clears the pipes" every few nights if the man is not releasing actively. So I wonder if abstaining for more than a week could work at all.

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by rachel86 View Post
    Just wondering if DH has a wet dream, does this count as "release"?
    For a boy, not really, because he will recover from that really quick. It takes 7-10 days of back to back release to sway pink (and even then we get LOTS of boys with people doing that pattern for pink sways! really not at all effective for pink) Plus, I think it could even be encouraging because if DH has so much "mojo" LOL that he's doing every 2-4 day reg. release like he should be, and is still having wet dreams on occasion, that's a good indicator for blue. Low sex drive = more girls, high sex drive = more boys.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verena View Post
    Good question, I've been wondering this as well. I read that the male body "clears the pipes" every few nights if the man is not releasing actively. So I wonder if abstaining for more than a week could work at all.

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    For pink (Rachel is swaying blue, so two different answers here) that is an issue with abstain. Most guys won't, within the span of 7-10 days, have a wet dream but it happens frequently when people try to do those horrifically long abstains (and please, gals, don't make your poor hubbies do that as there is no evidence it sways any more than 7-10 days does)

    Abstain doesn't seem to work ANYWAY so if you are doing an abstain and hubby has an oopsie, please don't panic. The panicking is WAY worse for your sway than the ejaculation was! Just pick it up again and move on. Don't skip a month! If you prefer you can switch over to daily FR but you don't have to (it hasn't worked either!)
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    Hi atomic thanks for the reply. I'm so sorry but I didn't really understand? We are TTC boy and we are aiming for a 4-5 day abstinence for our attempt. If DH has a wet dream, do I consider that a release and start counting all over again?

  6. #6
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    Most people on this site are NOT doing the 4-5 day "abstain". That has never been proven to help and 5 day abstain is ALMOST up to the 7 day abstain that may sway PINK!!

    We are having husbands release every 2-4 days and then having the attempts fall wherever they fall. The 4-5 day abstain has never been shown anywhere to do anything whatsoever for blue and in fact we are getting lots of GIRLS by BD every 4/5 days (not to mention one attempt) so I really can't recommend 4-5 day abstain plus one attempt on O Day for boys.

    If you are planning to have 3+ attempts in the fertile window, that is great, but you do not need to have 4-5 day abstain prior to that. AS long as hubby is regularly releasing every 2-4 days (starting as far in advance as is possible) he'll be making plenty of sperm and there is no need to "save it up" like they claim on some sites.

    Long story short, to answer your question specifically, NO, you do NOT need to start counting again if hubby has a wet dream in the middle of your "4-5 day abstain" because you don't NEED a 4-5 day abstain anyway for TTC a boy. Plus - think about it - if you did that, you'd miss O all together!! The egg would be dead and gone by the time you BD if you started counting again in the middle of a 4-5 day abstain prior to ovulation! Just can't work out!

    And all that having been said - if he has a high enough sex drive he can't even go 4-5 days without a wet dream that may indicate he's more "set" for making boys anyway.
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  7. #7
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    Thank you atomic. That's what's scaring me! If I don't count this as a release then DH has been abstaining for 7 days when attempt comes. If I do count this as a release, he would have abstained for 5 days. I would love to have 3 attempts but that failed me last cycle. DH has a problem releasing back to back. At our last attempt, we were doing EOD, so we DTD at O-2 and then i got my +opk next day and wanted to attempt 0-1 but he couldn't finish. We DTD on O day (about 31hrs after +opk). So I had attempts on 0-2 and 0. I was so worried I would get pregnant by the 0-2 attempt because it's a 2day cutoff and the O day attempt wouldn't have counted but I didn't get pregnant that cycle. That is my reasoning for wanting DH to abstain and for us to DTD on O day, since my DH can't perform 2 days in a row, my only option is 1 attempt? Correct?
    Last edited by rachel86; March 4th, 2018 at 01:50 PM.

  8. #8
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    Well, just because he couldn't do it the last time doesn't mean he can't the next time. I'd still like to see you go for 2 attempts (O-2 and O Day, maybe? if possible just make sure the O Day attempt is sooner or O-1 and O Day if he could)

    2 day cutoff does NOT sway pink. I got several of my boys with 2-4 day cutoffs.

    Count this as a release if it was an actual release (you know what I mean LOL) It's fine.
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