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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
    inshaallahxx's Avatar
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    I really want a girl. I want to do everything possible to up those chances the most I can.
    I have read A LOT of people that use clomid have a success at having girls.
    I was kind of leaning against not using it because I didn't want to ask my dr for a prescription, I don't want to pay a bunch of money for it, and I heard it will make you sick.

    Is there really good sways that have worked with out clomid?

    Would I have a better chance swaying with clomid than any other way of swaying?

    When and how long do you take clomid before you start ttc?

  2. #2
    Big Dreamer
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    I know it seems like clomid might be a good sway tactic, but I myself have conceived 2 boys using Clomid. When you look at statistics of women who take clomid to conceive, it's still right around 50/50. I think so many women are conceiving girls on clomid because they do OTHER things as well, if that makes sense.

    I HATE being on Clomid. I have taken it 4 cycles in my life (just starting my 5th) and have felt pretty awful on it.
    Me, 35
    DH, 37

    We have three beautiful ages 9, 5, and 2.
    Unsuccessfully swayed for so will go HT in 2014 for her !

    Cycle #1: 13 eggs retrieved, 10 mature, 5 fertilized, 2 biopsied but both abnormal XY.
    Cycle #2: 17 eggs retrieved, 17 mature, 14 fertilized, 3 biopsied. 2 abnormal XY, 1 normal XY.

    Cycle #3: 18 eggs retrieved, 18 mature, 14 fertilized, 8 biopsied. 1 normal XX!!!! (2 normal XY)
    FET August 11, 2015---beautiful transfer.
    EDD: April 2016

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    The thing with Clomid is that it isn't just about the raw statistics. The people who are the most likely to be prescribed Clomid are those with PCOS who may be more likely to conceive boys to begin with, and a lot of people on Clomid are also given supplemental estrogen and told to use things like Preseed, Robi/Muci, and DTD in boy-friendly frequency patterns.

    Clomid is an unpleasant medication for many people and it increases risks of multiples - which can mean a high risk pregnancy. It's not something to be taken lightly at all, but I do believe it's a strong pink sway tactic when used as a part of an overall sway (diet + Clomid) I can't say what tactics are best because we can't know that without more studies, none of which are being done.

    Clomid essay is here
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  4. #4

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    I have PCOS and have needed it to ovulate and get pregnant with my first two boys. I was on boy friendly diets (not aware that it was boy friendly) with both and used pre-seed with the first. With the second there were lots of "O's" and I always have ewcm so basically everything about every TTC venture we've had has screamed boy. I know a lot of people have side effects with clomid but I don't remember having any and know I thought it was strange that I felt just the same on it. Also, the generic clomid at WalMart is only $4 so not much at all. Good Luck! I'm also willing to do whatever it takes to get a little girl!
    Proud mama to 6 beautiful boys and finally 1 little girl! Praying for just one more girl 💝

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