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  1. #21
    Dream Vet
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    Not many do materni and then vivas ice one because drs all push u don't need to.

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    March 17, 2011 Mommy to my handsome son
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    I wanted to thank Atomic & GD for being so supportive & guiding me via emails daily through my sway! I could of not of done it without you Atomic!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!! Thank you so much!!

  2. #22
    Dream Vet
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    Statistically...amnio carries a .5% chance of miscarriage after testing. CVS carries up to a 1% chance of miscarriage after the procedure. Those are also controlled studies reports. Just because the test procedure was easy for you, doesn't mean it will be for someone else, much like how someone else wouldn't fall in that 1% of incorrect MaterniT21 results. Anecdotal evidence (ie: google searches of people who it produced a false negative/positive for) is not statistically relevant. It doesn't change the accuracy. Mostly because you can bet a very high percentage of people who recieved incorrect results (all those 1%ers) are talking negatively about the test online. While the 99%ers who were very pleased with their results are not participating in those conversations. It is very easy to find controlled study results online if you google the tests and sift through the message board stuff to look for actual medical papers. False negative rates are also published publicly.

    I have no vested interest in advocating for the MaterniT21 or Harmony test, other than that I don't want someone to think that because they ran across a few people who had a bad experience with it and a good one with amnio means they will have the same results.

    It really does suck that you had to fall into the 1% of people who were told your baby might have had an issue. But, im sure you realize, you also could have fallen into the combined 1.5% of people who lost their baby to CVS or amnio. And when comparing that apples to apples, you went through a few weeks of worry and stress, versus the irreversible, life altering alternative of losing a child to a diagnostic procedure.

    I just don't want someone to look at this conversation and take away that the risks are equal, because they are not. I'm glad we all get the choice. And no one can really say what they would choose unless they were placed in that situation. I must have respect for the decisions you made, since I wasn't in the spot to have to think about what I would do. I am glad your little girl looks great and the amnio is likely to come back showing she is genetically in the clear. I must, however, respectfully disagree with your assessment of the tests when compared to one another.

    Quote Originally Posted by GT77 View Post
    I got the amnio and it was not painful at all. The cvs hurt a little I even said to my DR I would do it again. After my amnio my dr showed me the heart beat. My dr told me once he gets the needle in he does not move it unlike some other doctors may. All I know I was shocked how fast it was and how not painful it was for me. I understand your doctors all recommending the materni/harmony/verifi and others. These test is just a screening not a diagnostic test. I think it's great it's our choice. It's a 90% correct chance, but there will be that one person who comes up with a negative test and they find out something is wrong my dr said. I trust my baby's placenta & amniotic fluid more then I would trust the blood that is taken from my arm not my baby. This is me though not you. No one wants to take the risk and get an amnio/cvs since something may happen, but everyone needs to know that materni21/harmony/verifi has their risks also! I just want everyone to feel comfortable with their decision that this test isn't 100%. I am not saying that any of these tests are. My dr and atomic recommended I did not take the amnio, but I wanted to be 100% sure. Yes I got the cvs and the amnio. I took mateni21 and I hate that test!! I looked up so many stories on reverse results and look them up. And, I was told that materni21 is not FDA approved but only for Down 21. So that means xxx, xxy , turners syndrome, down 13 & 18 there can be negative and positive wrong results in both directions. I look at this situation as me being lucky. I was told also if materni came up negative to trust it! I'm thankful I found out the truth about this test. I don't recommend any tests that are screenings.
    FYI materni21 and I'm sure the other ones is not even FDA approved. I only learned that it isn't FDA approved until after I had a false positive. It would of been nice if they told me before the test. It would be nice if they told the public about false tests since no one knows it exists! Luckily, no one over 35 is forced to take an amnio or a Cvs but luckily we know the possible risks of not taking it and whatever anyone decisions are I feel it's my responsibility to let all of you know both sides. There are false negatives with these tests too!
    My amnio came back normal for fish.
    I'm waiting for full results next week, but all looks good!!

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    A: "Owner" of the following brood:
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    We may be done, we may come back for one more sway. Time will tell. At the moment, we are very content with our family!

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  4. #23
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    GT I am just thankful that all has come back normal and you can go onto enjoy your pregnancy.

    I promised a member who lost a healthy normal baby after a CVS test which had been done for no reason other than that she was over 35, that I would be vocal about the risks involved in that and so that's my intent here. Wishing you the very best and so so excited for you!
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  5. #24
    Dream Vet
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    I don't think any of the blood tests are backed by uk official bodies, I do think the nhs is trailing the maternity21 as I think they are doing a clinical study as they want to bring it into nhs care.

    Amino and cvs as far as I can see are the 100% options that do full genetic screening as well.

    There's no easy answer unless you are 100% happy not knowing. With two disabled kids already I would want to be prepared as so far my kids have had a hard time just getting a decent standard of care. But that's the kind of thing you can never predict.
    84 March 2012

  6. #25

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    Part of my reason for doing PGD is to do genetic screening on the embryo as I have a child with a disability, and I am not super keen on the idea of invasive screening. However, in your situation GT I would have definitely followed up your harmony test with a cvs or amnio. I think the harmony and materniti21 tests and the like definitely have their place and are a good option for people who are seeking non invasive genetic screening, like my friend who is pregnant with her second child. Her first has Down syndrome, and the second was high risk based on the 12 week scan. She has no plans to terminate but wants to know in advance of delivery but doesn't want the risk of miscarriage.

    However, personally I do feel like having both a cvs and amnio is an unnecessary risk and could have devastating consequences. But this is a totally personal call.

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  7. #26
    Dream Vet
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    I agree with everything everyone said. At the end of the day it's your call. I personally would risk a mc and know that my baby is ok, and others wouldn't be ok with that risk. Yes, cvs & amnio is risky without a doubt. I was 100% willing to take that step but I totally understand why people don't want to take the test. Materni21 as I stated is not FDA approved for triple X & it's wrong 10% not 1%. Anyway, good luck to you all and we are very excited to be having a baby girl. I did state that cvs and amnio for me was easy, but my dr was amazing at this procedure. If you do get it done go somewhere who is top of their field, a hospital etc not someone who is random, but someone who does a ton of these procedures!

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    I wanted to thank Atomic & GD for being so supportive & guiding me via emails daily through my sway! I could of not of done it without you Atomic!! I feel like the luckiest girl in the whole wide world!! Thank you so much!!

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by snoop View Post
    Part of my reason for doing PGD is to do genetic screening on the embryo as I have a child with a disability, and I am not super keen on the idea of invasive screening. However, in your situation GT I would have definitely followed up your harmony test with a cvs or amnio. I think the harmony and materniti21 tests and the like definitely have their place and are a good option for people who are seeking non invasive genetic screening, like my friend who is pregnant with her second child. Her first has Down syndrome, and the second was high risk based on the 12 week scan. She has no plans to terminate but wants to know in advance of delivery but doesn't want the risk of miscarriage.

    However, personally I do feel like having both a cvs and amnio is an unnecessary risk and could have devastating consequences. But this is a totally personal call.

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    Just to further clarify because I still feel like there is confusion here, all that hotdogz and I are urging is that people have the non-invasive screening tests first and then if something comes up awry, of course have a CVS/amnio AT THAT POINT. The risks are then justified. No one is saying that GT should not have had whatever test she wanted to have to give her peace of mind and it's not our intent to secondguess her in any way (even tho I don't think having both CVS and amnio is medically indicated or a good idea either (and ETA in 2016, I think it was medical malpractice that her doctor agreed to do that and it appalls me), but just to offer recommendations for people who are newly pregnant and considering their options. GT's baby is healthy and normal and we are all thrilled about that.

    To my personal way of thinking, with these tests available (and I don't care if they are 10% or 1% or anything in between or whether they are approved by the NHS or FDA or Consumer Reports or anyone else) then there is no legitimate reason not to do it that way. Have the safe test first and then if it comes back positive, have the more risky one but keep in mind that the blood tests are only a test and may not be accurate.

    My personal opinion is that people shouldn't let the potential of a false positive, which to be sure is a stressful situation but in the end causes no real lasting harm, scare them into having an invasive test in lieu of the blood test. Both amnio and CVS can and HAVE caused real live people on this very site, to lose perfectly healthy babies.

    There are no guarantees in this life and the unfortunate fact is that tons of things can and do go wrong in pregnancies, deliveries, and early infancy that are totally outside of chromosomal abnormalities and neural tube defects detected by CVS/amnio but have lifelong consequences that are in some cases worse than the things that can be detected. So to make a decision to have highly invasive tests in the belief that you will then have 100% guarantee of a healthy baby, it is an illusion.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; March 11th, 2016 at 12:52 PM.
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  9. #28
    Dream Vet
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    Yes there's no garantees anywhere. I think I would go for the non invasive first only do the cvs / amino if if got bad results again. In the uk they do nt thickness and combined bloods which was really scary at 37 so pretty sure I have worse odds at a older age.

    My sons both have dyspraxia and like most disabilitys, thats just the luck of the draw. It's just the stress of being told you have a high risk of a genetic condition and waiting and seeing for the next 28 weeks isn't some thing I will be doing again.

    We are lucky we have both options now. Thanks for the view points.
    84 March 2012

  10. #29
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    NT test and bloodwork really isn't very reliable at all and lots of false positives with that. My doctor told me that NT and triple/quad screens are automatically positive once you're over 35 because that carries the most weight - even if everythign else is normal, if you are over 35 you automatically get a "high risk" positive on NT test/triple/quad screen. I am sorry that your doctors did not explain that to you and spare you 28 weeks of worry.

    These new tests are different and much more reliable so the game has changed considerably.
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  11. #30
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    I knew at the time my results went up purely on age, but they didn't give a breakdown of my nt risk, blood risk then my age risk. My risk was actually 1:345 but I had my nt scanned 25 times, then the sono said " you really must have a cvs" so I was sure he had seen something. Also I had only about five measurements max for my first two boys.

    When it has taken you about two years to conceive its not what you want to hear
    84 March 2012

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