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    The Skinny on Fats for pink and blue!

    The Skinny on Fats Updated 12-20-17

    (to my swaying friends out there who speak English as a second language, “the skinny” means information about a certain topic.)

    One of the newer additions to Gender Dreaming swaying advice is the recommendation for pink swayers to not only cut fat to 30-60 g, but get a higher proportion of dietary fats from vegetable-based Omega 6 fats instead of Omega 3, healthy, and saturated fats, while blue swayers do the reverse and limit Omega 6 fats while eating unlimited amounts of healthy, Omega 3, and saturated fat. Why is this and how can this be done?? What are all these different types of fats anyway and in what foods are they found? What evidence exists that cutting fat even helps to sway pink and eating fat helps to sway blue?

    Let’s investigate.

    The reason I am now recommending this change is on the basis of several recent animal studies. I’m going to list several (there are probably more out there) but just to get you guys started:

    (shows that higher fat = more males conceived, lower fat = more females conceived) Striking variation in the sex ratio of pups born to mice according to whether maternal diet is high in fat or carbohydrate

    (high fat diet has a protective effect against the effects of overcrowding in mice – overcrowded mice have more female offspring but a high fat diet mitigates that) PLOS ONE: High Fat Diet Prevents Over-Crowding Induced Decrease of Sex Ratio in Mice

    (maternal diet alters hormone concentration and vaginal pH in mice) http://joe.endocrinology-journals.or.../1/75.full.pdf

    (sheep fed higher Omega 6 fats have more female offspring) Sheep's Sex Determined By Diet Prior To Pregnancy

    RB&E | Full text | Nutritional skewing of conceptus sex in sheep: effects of a maternal diet enriched in rumen-protected polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)

    (may also affect humans – sorry can’t find full text but this study is widely cited to support the idea) Gender differences at birth and differences in fetal growth. Hum Reprod 1987; 2: 517-520

    (vegetarians, who virtually always get more Omega 6 fats due to their lack of eating meat, have more daughters) BBC News | HEALTH | 'More girl babies' for vegetarians

    (while this is not specific to fats per se it does show that human gender ratio can be altered via diet and also that lower calories overall does seem to sway pink, higher nutrient sways blue) You are what your mother eats: evidence for maternal preconception diet influencing foetal sex in humans

    On the basis of these studies, I think it is only sensible to alter the profile of our fat intake in a potentially more pink or blue friendly way. Even if this info is entirely wrong, as long as one is eating less fat for pink, more fat for blue, it will still sway, and altering the Omega 6-Omega 3 balance may help even further.

    What ARE Omega 3 and Omega 6 fats, anyway?

    Honestly, that's something that we really don't even need to KNOW for swaying purposes and the question is highly technical. It’s actually even more complicated than that, because there are really 4 types of fats and they can have different amounts of Omega 3 and Omega 6 in them. I’m just going to go into this really briefly because it’s super complicated.

    Basically, they are shapes that fat can chemically form into, that your body needs for survival. It can't make these fats and so you have to get them from diet. Fats come in 4 main forms and they all have different amounts of these shapes of fat.

    1)Monounsaturated fat MUFAs (aka healthy fat) are found in olive oil, nuts and nut oil, avocados, sesame (healthy sources) and some highly processed vegetable oil like canola, peanut, and sunflower oils (not so healthy). They stay liquid at room temperature and may protect against heart disease.

    2)Polyunsaturated fat PUFAs are found in walnuts, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds and fish, (healthy sources) and soy products, soy/corn/safflower/cottonseed oil, flaxseed and flax oil (not so healthy – the jury is still out on flaxseed; however since flaxseed and flaxseed oil have been shown to be harmful during pregnancy I want everyone to avoid it when trying to conceive anyway) They stay liquid at room temperature and while some may protect against heart disease, it’s unclear the effects of the others.

    3)Saturated fats are found in animal foods like butter, whole milk, meat, and in two vegetable sources palm oil and coconut oil. These stay solid at room temperature and were at one time said to be very unhealthy but this is now being rethought as it is found that they may not be the problem that they were once thought to be.

    4)Transfats are highly processed forms of PUFAs that are almost universally recognized to be bad for you. Shortening and margarine are the most recognizable forms of these foods, and anything containing shortening and margarine (most storebought baked goods and candy, chips, fast food). They are so widely used because they are stable at room temperature and foods made with them can be kept on the shelf a long time without spoiling.

    All these fats have different amounts of Omega 3 and 6 in them. Some have a lot of one and little of the other, some have equal amounts of both. They come in lots of different forms. Ratio of fatty acids in different foods - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    You may be surprised to see some very healthy foods with a high Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio on that list. Researchers are finding that it’s not so much about one being “good” and the other “bad”, but that it is best for your health overall to be getting equal amounts or higher of Omega 3 than 6. When too much Omega 6 is eaten, it can be bad for your body and very inflammatory. Most modern cultures are consuming way way too much Omega 6 fats (largely thru cheap, highly processed vegetable oils and transfats) and not enough Omega 3. This is believed to be harming our health and possibly contributing to the obesity epidemic.

    And what does this mean for swaying?

    Too much Omega 6 fat has been shown to be bad for fertility for both men and women:

    (this article came out after the previous bunch of studies was collected but a good one) Relationship of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids wi... [Clin Nutr. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI

    The Nurse’s Study 2 also found lower fertility among women who got more Omega 6 fats.

    Since we believe (via Trivers Willard hypothesis and atomic’s Fertility Theory) that anything that declines parental condition particularly of the mother, and anything that declines overall fertility of either party sways pink, it would appear that not only is it beneficial for blue to get getting a higher amount of fat overall, but also to get a higher percentage of your fat from Omega 3 sources instead of Omega 6. And vice versa for pink – cut fat overall but get a higher percentage from Omega 6 instead of Omega 3.

    Is that even healthy?

    Blue swayers: YES it is healthy. Most reputable health sources are rethinking their advice on saturated fats and are coming around to the idea that they have been unfairly demonized. Cutting out transfats in favor of natural fats, even saturated fats like coconut oil and butter, is only going to HELP your overall health and it will also help you get and stay pregnant with a baby boy.

    Pink swayers: Giving it to you straight here – no, no it is not. Too many Omega 6 fats are harmful to health over time but that is just another reason to get pregnant quickly when swaying pink and not linger on and on forever chasing tactics like timing that don’t sway and prevent conception. Crisco was invented in 1911 and margarine actually back in 1869 so a LOT of generations of folks grew up eating an awful lot of highly processed Omega 6 fats and lived long and productive lives. A short time of getting more Omega 6 fats in your diet is ok and you can just make up for it by dropping them to a more healthful level while increasing intake of Omega 3 fats when your sway is done.

    How do we incorporate this into our sways?

    Blue swayers: Increase fat intake overall. Aim for over 30% of your day’s calories from fat. It is imperative that you do not go overboard with Omega 6 fats (limiting storebought baked goods will both help limit excess weight gain and help you achieve a better ratio of Omega 3 to 6). In the 4 years since this essay was written I have now dropped Evening Primrose Oil from most blue sways as I believe it's causing opposites.

    The ONLY blue swayers who should be on EPO are those on a strict keto (very low carb) diet - which I do not recommend for swaying anyway. If you are on a very low carb keto diet, be cautious with EPO since is high in Omega 6 fats and you MUST take it only WITH fish oil and not instead of fish oil. You need at least the same amount of fish oil as EPO and I recommend twice as much to make up for any Omega 6 in nuts (I have all my custom swayers take 500 mg EPO AF-O only and 1000 mg fish oil throughout the cycle, husbands should take only fish oil 1000 mg.) More is not better, do not megadose yourself with Omega 3 fats because they can cause bleeding in high doses and may harm your blue sway by lowering cholesterol, the building block of estrogen and testosterone. anyone who is breastfeeding, PLEASE skip the EPO and stick with 500 mg fish oil as the higher doses may harm your baby.

    For blue swayers not on a very low carb diet, I want you to skip EPO totally and take no more than 500 mg fish oil or DHA. More is not better, do not megadose yourself with Omega 3 fats because they can cause bleeding in high doses and may harm your blue sway by lowering cholesterol, the building block of estrogen and testosterone. Also please do not increase this amount during pregnancy as fish oil/DHA are strong blood thinners and may cause or contribute to subchorionic hemorrhage (where bleeding occurs under the placenta) and even miscarriage.

    While flaxseed has a better Omega 3/6 profile than EPO does, there are other chemicals in flaxseed that may sway pink and I am wary of it. It also is proven to my satisfaction to be harmful to babies you conceive while taking it, particularly boy babies, and if you do want to use flaxseed (such as flaxseed meal in smoothies) I strongly STRONGLY suggest dropping it during pregnancy. Some midwives and naturopaths are having people take high doses of flax because it is “natural”; well, so is botulism. Just because something is natural, does not mean it is good for your health in high doses. I cannot recommend flaxseed oil or meal in anything beyond occasional dietary use 2-3 times a week max.

    I STRONGLY recommend consumption of full-fat dairy. I tried to be more flexible on this but the more I research into the milk replacers, most of them have a lot of Omega 6 in them and I have to wonder if it may be ruining people’s sways. I feel that most of the blue sways that have failed were people who were limiting dairy and using the milk replacers. If you must give up dairy, please do not swap in milk replacers, you're seriously harming your sway if you do. NO MILK REPLACERS for blue beyond occasional dietary use 2-3 times a week max.

    I recommend all blue swayers eat 2 eggs a day and 2 servings of fatty fish such as salmon or tun per week. When choosing your meats, it may be best to go with fattier cuts such as dark meat poultry rather than lean cuts like chicken breast. I would also limit things like hot dogs and processed lunch meat which sometimes have vegetable shortening (Omega 6) added to increase the fat. Also keep fast food minimal - despite fast food having a reputation of being blue-friendly, I believe it may sway pink for some people due to the high levels of shortening and vegetable oil used in the deep frying process.

    If you are a vegetarian, I recommend upping intake of eggs (4-6 a day would not be remiss) and full fat dairy and using lard, butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, and palm FRUIT oil in cooking (not palm kernel oil)

    Vegans, they have algal sources of Omega 3 and I recommend using that in lieu of fish oil. No more than 500 mg a day and under NO circumstances should you take EPO, flaxseed oil, or drink milk replacers as the vegetable based fats in them may harm your sway. Eat coconut oil and/or palm fruit oil (NOT palm kernel oil), and an avocado every day without fail. Olive oil is good too (despite having too many Omega 6 fats, they are in a more healthy form that can help your fertility and your blue sway) but coconut and palm fruit oils are better. Cut intake of margarine, shortening, and yes, even soy foods. I know soy has a mystical reputation as being blue-friendly but literally every bit of research I have done indicates that biologically, soy intake should sway pink, not blue, and if you have gotten girls while eating soy before, it needs to GO (especially for DH!!) If you need a milk replacer, I would go with coconut milk and even coconut milk should probably be kept to dietary intake only 2-3 days per week.

    Pink swayers: Cut fat intake overall. Unless you are struggling with fertility, you should keep your fat intake to 20-30% of your day’s calories (this shakes out to be about 30-60 g fat depending on your caloric intake for the day – no one should drop below 30 g fat even if you are not eating that many calories, you will stop ovulating...and yes, this was originally 25 g but we found that 25 was not enough and people stopped ovulation at 25. 30 g fat and up). Additionally, you should try to get a higher percentage of your fat intake from Omega 6 sources. Shortening, margarine, soy/corn/canola oil and baked goods containing cottonseed oil and partially hydrogenated oils will help your pink sway.

    This does not mean you should cut out Omega 3 and saturated fats entirely – you may stop ovulating if you do that. If you are having spotty ovulation I recommend increasing % of Omega 3 and saturated fats, adding in 1 serving of full fat dairy a day, 46 eggs a week, and/or 1 serving of salmon a week (you don’t have to do all these things, they are just things that may help). If you can't stand salmon, do red meat instead, but salmon is better. When it is time for a cheat, consider having shellfish, I believe it is the best pink cheat there is and will help provide Omega 3 that you may need in addition to iodine which is in short supply on LE Diet.

    FATS that probably sway blue:

    Olives and olive oil (go easy with it, tho)

    Avocado and avocado oil

    Fish and fish oil (oily fish like salmon is much better than lean white fish)

    Animal fats such as lard and butter

    Fatty meats

    Full fat dairy

    Nuts and nut oils (while some of these do have a poor Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, the overall benefits of the nuts vastly outweigh any risks in this regard. Just be sure you are getting ample Omega 3 fats from other sources and I would probably keep the nut oil minimal and would avoid peanut oil entirely)

    Seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, and watermelon (while some of these do have a poor Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, the overall benefits of the seeds vastly outweigh any risks in this regard – plus it’s hard to really eat much of them. I would avoid oils made from these seeds with the exception of sesame oil which seems to be ok.)

    Coconut oil and I believe if you must use a milk replacer, the coconut based one is best

    Palm FRUIT oil (do not use palm kernel oil and please buy sustainably sourced palm fruit oil because harvesting palm fruits for oil is driving orangutans into extinction – personally I’d just use Coconut Oil and save yourself the expense)

    Peanut butter (even though this does have a small amount of transfats in it, it is miniscule. I recommend buying small containers of peanut butter and eating it quickly to avoid toxins that may slowly grow in opened peanut butter. Do not use peanut oil)

    Possibly ok: chia seeds (these have a good Omega 3 to 6 profile but contain other compounds that may affect a blue sway negatively.)

    Not ok under any circumstances: flaxseed meal (this is the ground up flax seeds which are much easier to digest than whole seeds) or flaxseed oil in anything beyond occasional dietary use 2-3 times per week. It has been proven to potentially cause harm to pregnancies including developmental delays, bleeding, and premature labor. Don't do it.

    Fast food has a reputation of swaying blue but I would limit it due to high levels of Omega 6 fats used in the cooking process. Also avoid/limit highly processed meats containing fillers, like hot dogs and bologna as they may also have Omega 6 fats

    FATS that probably sway pink:

    Soy foods and soy oil (soy milk for your husband is a good idea)

    Vegetable oil (this is usually mostly soy oil)

    Corn oil

    Safflower and cottonseed oil (dude these things are not even food!! Great for pink )

    Canola oil (while this has a reputation for being healthy, it’s highly processed and before processing canola seed contain toxins that are harmful to fertility)

    Margarine (watch out for those fortified with Omega 3 fats!!)

    Shortening (aka Crisco or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil)

    Palm oil (JUST palm oil or fractionated palm oil, when listed on cheap baked goods, is almost always cheap palm KERNEL oil and not actually the oil from the palm fruit, which sways blue and should be avoided. I would not buy or use palm kernel oil for your sway, the production of cheap palm oil is driving orangutans into extinction and there are tons of cheaper options. This is just if you happen to see it on a label of something you are eating.)

    Sunflower seeds or oil, tahini and sesame seeds and oil (in small amounts are fine!)

    Nuts in small amounts are also fine

    Are you SURE about all this? Seems a little farfetched to me.

    No, I’m not sure. This is one of those big gray areas where I feel like there is just a hint of data but the situation is probably way way more complicated than we can even guess at. I have some evidence that makes me wonder if chronic low-level inflammation may sway blue – and Omega 6 fats are highly inflammatory but they seem to sway pink. That doesn’t add up to me. But the human body is incredibly complex and when things don’t make sense, it only means we don’t yet have the information to be able to say for certain. And until we give it a try, we’ll never know if it works. So I’m sharing the info and you guys can do with it as you will. Keep me posted and don’t forget to share your experiences!!
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; December 20th, 2017 at 03:50 PM.
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    Thank you for yet another fantastic essay Atomic!!
    2007 2009 2013 (My VBA2C & sway opposite baby)

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  4. #3
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    Awesome info! Thank you, atomic!!
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    Hoping for my girl to stay sticky!!

  5. #4

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    Thank you! So do "soy products" include soy milk or do soy products literally mean only products made from soy?
    DS then swayed for a DD in 2014...and got her! Now back to sway for a girl.

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    I just purchased the 21 day meals to ttc a girl and some meals have 1 T unsalted butter..if I use that most days will that maybe sway blue? Should I sometimes use margarine instead which is more pink?
    Also..I am a huge water drinker...around 60 oz a day. Is this not allowed on a girl sway. Days I am hungry and I know dinner is soon I will just drink a 20 oz water to fill me up.
    Thank you!

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    Omg! Thank you so much for clarifying the differences and writing an essay about it. Totally appreciate it.

    Just had to laugh when you wrote "dude" in your comment about cottonseed oil. Now I'm worried about giving my son his whole grain ritz crackers as a snack bc it contains this and you saying cottonseed oil isn't even really food. That's kind of scary.

    Thanks again for clearing up the differences between omega oils. It truly a going to help me distinguish between the two.
    2011 - Matthew (who is the light of my life) in 2013 for delivery some time in 2014

    Came to this website in September 2013 hoping to sway for a girl as we have none on either side of our families (6 boys total). Diagnosed in January 2014 elevated FSH level and extremely low AFC count. Praying and hoping God blesses me with one more healthy child whether it be another boy or a girl. Praying my RE can help me to achieve my dream of giving my son a sibling some time soon.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by TeacherMom View Post
    Thank you! So do "soy products" include soy milk or do soy products literally mean only products made from soy?
    I'm not quite sure I get the jist of this question but any food made from soy protein OR containing soy oil, both may sway pink.

    That having been said, the old-school sway info has soy down as swaying blue due to the presence of phytoestrogens (they believed that since higher estrogen levels in women may sway blue, that phytoestrogens would then sway blue, but phytoestrogens DO NOT work like your body's own natural estrogen full explanation here: If you are concerned about it, the best way to handle it is for DW to limit soy protein foods because they are the ones with the phytoestrogens in them (which you would have to do anyway to stick within the limits of LE Diet) and then give soy to DH, becasue high estrogen levels in men may sway pink.

    No one with thyroid issues shoudl do soy though.

    Sorry confusing I know, please let me know if you need clarification
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    Quote Originally Posted by haymon2and1 View Post
    I just purchased the 21 day meals to ttc a girl and some meals have 1 T unsalted butter..if I use that most days will that maybe sway blue? Should I sometimes use margarine instead which is more pink?
    Also..I am a huge water drinker...around 60 oz a day. Is this not allowed on a girl sway. Days I am hungry and I know dinner is soon I will just drink a 20 oz water to fill me up.
    Thank you!
    When I did the 21 Day Diet book I did have this info at my disposal and when I included butter it was because of flavor and when it would work better. I think when on LE Diet you gotta do what you can to make your food taste good or you'll end up cheating.

    1 T of butter is not going to mess up anything and like I mentioned in the essay, you guys NEED some saturated fat coming in too or you will stop ovulating. I do NOT want anyone to now go onto eat ONLY Omega 6 fat, that is not the intention of this essay at all whatsoever. Older moms, you may even need more saturated fat so do keep an eye on this.

    Personally I only eat butter, I don't normally eat margarine at all ever and I got my daughter doing this. I did cut fat all together and was getting a higher % of Omega 6 than Omega 3 because I ate more baked goods and American cheese, ate no meat or dairy at all, and also used veg oil in cooking. But I still ate butter daily. It's the proportion tht counts.

    It is also to some extent down to the philosophy of swaying you believe in, because it's hard to find unsalted margarine and easy to find unsalted butter, so if you are one who is convinced that salt sways blue (I'm not, but if you are) then the unsalted butter is a handy place to cut some out.
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    Also haymon - not sure where the water question is coming from or if it just occured to you, but to answer that, while water is totally allowed in whatever amount you like, when doing LE Diet and especially if you are eating less potassium and sodium than you normally do, take some care with the amount of water you drink. You may end up washing away the potassium and sodium that your body needs to function.

    So yes, water is allowed on a pink sway (but this has nothing to do with fats though) but at the same time don't go overboard with it especially if you are eating less potassium and sodium. Just drink to what is your level of thirst (20 oz. of water is kind of a lot really)
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  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trishy74 View Post
    Omg! Thank you so much for clarifying the differences and writing an essay about it. Totally appreciate it.

    Just had to laugh when you wrote "dude" in your comment about cottonseed oil. Now I'm worried about giving my son his whole grain ritz crackers as a snack bc it contains this and you saying cottonseed oil isn't even really food. That's kind of scary.

    Thanks again for clearing up the differences between omega oils. It truly a going to help me distinguish between the two.
    They're not great to be honest but that having been said my kids eat a shocking amount of Goldfish and I think they have cottonseed oil in them. I try to make up for that by feeding them butter and coconut oil when I can.

    Fact - everyone our age and those a little bit older, grew up eating nothing but margarine and shortening (remember those huge plastic containers of margarine that Mom would buy LOL???) and tons of transfats in everything, I never even tasted butter or olive oil till I was an adult. So a little cottonseed oil in Ritz or Goldfish is not going to do our kiddos in.
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