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  1. #1

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    Hope for IVF/PGD for an older mama?

    Hi guys, I'm new here.

    I have two sons ages almost 5 and almost one. The five year old was conceived naturally, I had some issues conceiving #2 so I jumped straight to IVF was I was 37. It worked on the first try, though I did not do PGD and obviously ended up with a second son. He is wonderful, though, and I am happy to have him.

    Anyway, I had implanted 2 and 1 took. I had four good-looking frosties and I recently had them PGS tested, hoping to implant a healthy female. Well, all were abnormal I've heard from a friend that this is not uncommon in late 30's women. I was so disappointed. I had pretty much already decided to do a fresh IVF cycle right away. I'm 39, it's almost 2 years later, and I worry that I don't have ANY good eggs now, much less one that will be female without being able to do Microsort on the sperm.

    I am waiting on the results of my AMH test, and my antral follicle count ultrasound showed 13 follicles-a good number for my age, I think. My RE basically said that the number of bad eggs has to do with my age, and since I respond well to stims and 13 eggs were retrieved during my first cycle, she will probably stim me a whole lot to maximize the number of eggs she gets, in the hopes that there will be more normals in the bunch to increase the percentages.

    The chances seem so remote that it will work or that I will have any females, or even if I do, that it will stick. A lot of things have to go right. That said, my IVF worked on the first try last time, I clearly still have a good amount of eggs, my husband is totally on board, I want a daughter really, really badly, and money is not an issue.

    My Mom passed away about 6 months ago. She was pretty young and I was her only beneficiary, so I inherited a fair amount of money and a house that was completely paid for. My husband is just graduating dental school and already has a lucrative job. DH and I are both okay with me doing multiple cycles if necessary, though if the results are super dismal the first go round I might reconsider.

    I know that I will always wonder "what if?" if I don't try. I figure I don't have a lot to lose, other than possibly getting my hopes up (they are kind of low right now), spending the $, and exposing my body to the hormones. I'm not exactly sure what I am hoping for in writing this here-maybe some encouragement, or at least validation that I am not completely crazy for doing this. It's hard to read about much younger women trying HT because their chances are so much better But it only takes 1 good egg, right? As long as it's the right gender I guess :/ If I'm going to try to do this I have to do it NOW. Anyway, any support and understanding is appreciated

    Even if it doesn't work, I will be grateful that I was able to have my two boys-more than a lot of women are able to have in life. I try to remind myself that having a DD would just be something extra. Mom Mom had a pink baby blanket stashed away in her house when I went through it after she passed away-and I know it was saved for me and my little girl. Having one won't bring my Mom back, but I always wanted a mother/daughter relationship, and I'm going to try to make it happen.

  2. #2
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    A lot of us are in our 30's when we take this path. At 39, it will be a challenge but certainly not impossible! Good luck!
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    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

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  3. #3
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    Btw- if you want to find most of the HT gals, they are in the member HT forum! You need to become a Dream Member to gain access. Lots of people cycling in there now.
    Mom to

    and my IVF/PGD

    It's better to look back on life and say: "I can't believe I did that" than to look back and say "I wish I did that".

    New to IVF/PGD for Family Balancing? Read this- Understanding IVF/PGD- a HT Guide for those New to the IVF/PGD Process

    Need a Natural Swaying Plan? Naturally sway for a boy or a girl- Personalized Swaying Plans

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  4. #4
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    I don't know they answers to your questions but just wanted to say good luck!! I am 39 also so it is possible to get PG!! I have seen plenty of women on here in their late 30s and early 40s conceive with IVF. There are lots of women here on the HT forum that can answer all your questions.

    GL and hope you get a pink LO!!
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  5. #5
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    I'm sorry I have no personal advice, but I truly wish you the best of luck to find your daughter down the HT path. Please do become a member then you can read all the cycle diarys and make posts there and all the ladies are super helpful and supportive. xx
    2 beautiful blue eyed boys who both own my (3 if you count DH!)
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  6. #6

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    Thanks for writing me back. I will check into becoming a dream member.

  7. #7
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    No advice, just a good luck from one "old mama" to another!
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