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Thread: New girl swayer

  1. #11
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi again! Thanks so much for your advice - I'm feeling really good about the sway so far, which in turn is allowing me to be more relaxed!
    I've stuck to the diet, including cheats once in a while. I don't always keep track of the exact numbers tallying calories/protein/fat but I do always stay vegetarian. My son has been on overdrive with nursing recently so I thought it would be reasonable to cheat a bit anyway.

    I've been takin folate and my husband has been taking olive leaf extract and that has been it for supplements.
    Most days I get out for an hour walk but it isn't always all at once (sometimes half an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon) although chasing around my kids daily seems to lead to constant exercise.
    I am planning on trying for clomid soon and hoping to add that to the sway but will update if that pans out.
    Otherwise, I've had coffee every morning - was never a coffee drinker before. And my husband and I started a new nightly ritual of drinks on the back deck after the id's are in bed. One to two glasses of wine for me, a drink for him and one cigarello for him. Not only has this been a nice wind down to help us relax more, but it's been really nice for our marriage too!
    We will start trying in another month and I just wanted to see if I'm missing anything? When we start trying I see that one attempt at positive opk is probably easiest. Followed by j&d five minutes later?
    Thanks so much for your help! It's really become a lot easier after sorting through this site!

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  3. #12
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    Just be sure, if not tracking, that you are eating enough. The real reason to track nutrients is to be sure people are eating enough to get and stay pregnant, NOT for the sway.

    Everything else is looking great! Good luck!
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  4. #13
    Dream Newbie

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    I wanted to put in an update on the sway. We had our first attempt and am awaiting my cycle in the next few days. I have no indication that I am pregnant so I'm gearing up for attempt number two.
    A few bumps so far - as you predicted, not tracking diet has probably led to me not getting enough food/protein. I've lost more weight than I was hoping to so from now on I will track everything and try to hit the max allotments until my weight is up a bit more.
    I used the clearblue flashing smiley opk and was so confused as it went from empty circle to peak within 24 hours (no flashing smiles). It took me a day to realize that it meant peak ovulaton so we may have got our attempt in a little too late. Going forward, what is best? Continue with one attempt at pos opk (and test twice a day this time) or forget the tests and just do every 4 day attempts?
    Lastly, I had purchased sylk early on in my sway research and we used a small amount mostly because I hated wasting my money and not using it. I don't want to use it if it is preventing pregnancy. Is a tiny amount okay? I really don't want to switch to a small amount of preseed only because we used it to get both of our boys.

    Thanks again! Hoping this month will work out a little more clearly for us!

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  6. #14
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    Every 4 days will at least cover you if something like that happens. It's up to you...if you're ready to switch I think it's a fine way to go.

    If you use just a teeny amount of Sylk it probably doens't cut odds of conception very much if at all. The people who have problems with that usually are using a larger amount. So if you need a lube then go ahead just don't overdo.
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  7. #15
    Dream Newbie

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    Month two has come up negative. PlannING our next attempt and looking at what I can adjust to help boost conception without compromising the sway. I've found my weight has dropped pretty low so I've adjusted my diet to continue vegetarian but I'm not worrying about calories/fat/protein. I'm hoping this will keep the weight from going any lower as I was worried I would stop ovulating. Is there is a better approach to this that will make the sway better?
    I'm going to cut out Sylk. I don't think we need it if it isn't helping at all.
    This month I ovulated very early (day 9) and had a short cycle. Last month was the opposite with a much longer cycle. Since I was having trouble tracking ovulation we did E4D this month and I think I'll do the same next month. I'm hoping to not go too many more months before getting pregnant. I figure at the very least, I'm building a legitimate case for getting Clomid.

    Any suggestions going forward this month?

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  9. #16
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    just keeping calories up and then trying to keep protein and fat in 50-60 g range is better than increasing everything, if you can swing it. It's cals of carbs that help keep weight on, lesser extent fat, and protein brings up the rear in terms of keeping weight stable.

    ditch the Sylk

    Agree with doing e4d!! Yes definitely!!!
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  10. #17

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    Hi, hope you don’t mind me jumping in with a question? What does chomid actually do to sway? Is it because you know when you will ovulate?

    Also in regards to timing (the whole girl sperm being slower but stronger has been debunked I understand) but what is the THE best thing to do re timing, just one attempt on ovulation day? What is it you want to avoid in timing when trying for a girl?

    Huge thanks! Xx

  11. #18
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    No, it has nothing to do with when you ovulate because timing doesn't sway.

    We honestly don't know why Clomid sways. We only know that it does.

    Ovulation day is not a good day of the cycle to conceive on. So we aim for one attempt at positive OPK. This is 24-36 hours prior to ovulation for most of us. It's not because it sways, but because it is a good chance of conceiving.
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  12. #19

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    Thanks atomic!

    So why the one attempt for girl sways? Or is this the advice whether trying for a boy or a girl? And I’m guessing the every 4 days (or more) is for people with unpredictable cycles and unsure when they may ovulate?

    I have three boys, one conceived with intercourse at POS ov test, and regular intercourse prior. Second I had one attempt at pos ov test and another attempt two days later. And third the I heard about swaying for girls so tried to get myself ‘acidic’ with certain foods etc, I did stop getting CM and I had intercourse every other day and stopped the Day before I got my pos ov test for that cycle. I had in my head the longer the sperm waited the more like female sperm would be about.
    I’ve probably done everything boy sway without even realising in the other aspects of life.

    Just get myself so confused with info. If timing doesn’t sway, why the advice for one attempt?

    What would you say seems to be the most important contributor to conceiving a girl? Is it the LE diet? Hellllp meee!!! x

  13. #20
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    We don't know why it works, but it became crystal clear over time that the one attempt was effective for pink. No clue why. It has nothing to do with timing. Regardless of the day of your attempt relative to O, the one attempt still swayed pink. Now I can speculate about why if you'd like me to and give you more info about how we came to know this but the basic thing to keep in mind is that one attempt HAS worked for people and we focus more on doing what has actually worked rather than theorizing and wasting time and energy chasing theories that were either debunked or never proven.

    e4d can be in essence like one attempt because by the time the next BD rolls around, the swimmers from the previous batch have died out. So it's just a no-brainer way of doing one attempt for those with long/irregular cycles or who don't get positive OPK regularly to have the one attempt.

    Diet, exercise, one attempt, and Clomid or Femara if you can get it. Most important for pink
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